Presenting at the Veterans Administration by Abigail Weissman, Psy.D.
/Phew! What a wonderful morning! I spent the morning presenting at the Veterans Administration for their social workers as a way to celebrate social worker month! Check out the event listing here: Yay!
I really loved providing the presentation. Thank you for inviting me, David Moss, LCSW!
Highlights included people participating by reading a slide out loud to the rest of the audience when I asked them to, asking wonderful questions even when they mentioned that it was hard for them to (but they did it anyways – yay them!), and adding resources, and their own voice into the mix. And the dance break. I always love the dance break. I picked a YouTube version of “I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross and we spent 5 minutes dancing and connecting and stretching and it was wonderful.
We reviewed more vocabulary and I shared information about the difficulties that can impede the growth and happiness of queer and trans people including our political climate and how ongoing systemic oppression and violence impacts people.
I encouraged clinicians and caseworkers alike to support their clients and loved ones by using the name(s) that makes them happy and the pronouns that make them happy. And as they stretched their brains to welcome in new terms, I supported them in their journey(s). And, as usual, I asked those who wanted to be in a selfie with me that I’d post on Facebook pose with me and we did just that. There’s a serious selfie and a “happy” selfie.
Happy selfie!
I appreciate the energy the participants had! Yay us!
I absolutely love, adore, enjoy, cheer about, providing presentations. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to give back to community to present at the Veterans Administration – what an honor!
I’m always learning how to do a better presentation and, as such, I want to welcome attendees of the event to please (pretty please?) fill out my feedback form at . I encourage you to reach on out for further connection with Dr. Camilla Williams and me, Dr. Abigail Weissman, make up the clinical team at Waves, A Psychological Corporation and we are available for therapy referrals, letter writing referrals, consultation, supervision, and/or training needs.
Thank you for reading!
Abigail Weissman, Psy.D