Transgender - Affirming and Supportive Teen and Adult Therapy Services
Waves supports trans people!
It's true. We are always learning how to be better advocates, clinicians, for those who identify as trans.
We honor your story!
We can help if you are:
Tired of being misgendered or Looking for support around your intersex identity
Want to discuss your gender identity or Wrestling with your religion and transgender identity
Jewish and trans or Thinking about gender confirmation surgery
Want access to T, estrogen, hormone blockers or spiro from a informed consent-oriented therapist or
A parent with questions about your young adult's gender identity
Agender adult pictured above.
A therapist interested in learning how to write a letter in support of your trans client? Please click here for information about consultation services with Dr. Weissman.
All Waves' Clinicians are trans-affirming, have training in working with trans individuals and all Waves' clinicians are WILLING & ABLE to write letters in support of their transgender-identified clients.
We are so glad you found Waves!
Waves supports trans students!
We can’t wait to support you!