Dr. Abigail Weissman, the founder of Waves and a Jewish, Queer and Trans-identified Psychologist, touches her Kippah for grounding.

Dr. Abigail Weissman, the founder of Waves and a Jewish, Queer and Trans-identified Psychologist, touches her Kippah for grounding.

Do you feel strongly that you are both, a transgender Jew and a queer Jew? It can be tough to grow up Jewish or be a Jew of choice AND identify as LGBTQIQAP.  

Some therapists can be well-meaning but oblivious about common Jewish experiences, let alone what it might look like to be a trans and/or queer Jew in today’s world.

Especially NOW, when antisemitism seems to be everywhere, it is important to know that there are safe places to be both/and Jewish and trans and/or Jewish and queer.

Here at Waves, we provide a place to explore your identities.

We create supportive, you-focused space to explore your sexual orientation, gender identity(ies), faith or lack thereof, and/ or religion and make decisions based on what feels right for you.

YOu can be jewish and queer and in a queer relationship! Yay!

YOu can be jewish and queer and in a queer relationship! Yay!

We are also a place for people who want Jewish affirming and trans affirming and queer affirming care. We provide Jewish, trans, and queer - affirming space to support our clients.

Dr. Abigail Weissman has extensive experience and training in working with queer, trans and Jewish populations. She has served on the board of directors and has run a trans inclusive women's chavurah (group) at a San Francisco LGBTQIQA - focused synagogue in San Francisco and has presented at Transkeit, a Jewish trans and queer conference.


Dr. Weissman spoke at the Jewish and trans-affirming conference, Transkeit, in Berkeley, CA.

Dr. Weissman values what trans people want in a counselor. She wrote her clinical psychology dissertation on learning from her trans and Jewish participants about how psychologists can become more effective and more respectful of people of trans and Jewish experience and she uses what she learned in creating a respectful space for clients.

To support your full self in a safe, Jewish, queer, and trans-affirming space, please make an appointment with Dr. Abigail Weissman today!