Activism - In bite size pieces by Dr. Abi Weissman
/We got this!
by Abi Weissman, Psy.D.
Waves, A Psychological Corporation
I keep reading in online forums about therapist fears of sharing that they are activists outside of their offices. They expressed worry about their role as counselors and if it includes fighting against injustice at every turn, in the therapy room and outside of it or not so much. I say that being a psychologist (for me, at least) means educating myself on the happenings of the world, as much as I can and speaking up for justice whenever possible.
I’m not scared to proclaim that I am proud to be an activist. I am embarrassed by how little I do these days as an Activist with a capital A compared to my college activist self.
I’m not learning how to chain myself to buildings to protest animal cruelty anymore and it’s not only because now I know how to do it.
I’ve become tired.
Having a 9.5 month kiddo is no joke. Running a business is hard work too. And balancing the two, along with seeing my beloved friends and chosen or bio family and exercise and seeing the outside world, and sleeping is truly a difficult task.
I spend my almost nonexistent extra energy volunteering for San Diego Psych Association (SDPA) on both the board of directors and as a committee chair (of the LGBT Committee).
Until I finish my volunteer duties with the SDPA, I am more tentative of taking on more commitments even though I want so much to get out there and get involved and make more of A Difference in the world! I don’t want to take on too much and be unable to complete what I’ve set out to do.
I also find myself more concerned about the impact of being arrested on my family, on my license, and on my business. Even in that concern, I notice that I am not worried about dying in police custody or during the arrest as I am about the burden of extra work to be released in an already stressed schedule. White privilege and probably, class privilege, is at work here, for sure!
Also, I notice that I spend so much time THINKING about inequality and trying to REEXAMINE my privilege as a white University (over?) educated woman, that I can get stuck and stop doing and being active in communities outside of psychology in all of the ways that I do want to. I’m not as active as I believe I want to be.
In order to increase my activism, I want to change how I view activism. I want to see it as not so much this big, dramatic activity that I mold my life around (kinda like it used to be in college), but in all the little ways that I can integrate being an activist, for instance, in being anti-racist and pro-immigrant, into my busy life.
I am
taking the big idea of ACTIVISM
cutting it
and doable / actionable
One way, I do this is by signing up for the Action List below. It’s helped me see that I can do a little on her list and be active in my community, locally, nationally, and internationally.
Action List from Jennifer Hofmann at . I love it! I’ve begun receiving her “Americans of Conscience Checklist” weekly (I signed up at ) and slowly some of my overwhelm has melted away.
I can’t, don’t and won’t do everything
on her list
I can do something on it.
And I will.
And, I think that you can too.
If you’ve been burdened by feeling overwhelmed about the political climate and wondering what you can do, right now, to make a difference, I’d encourage checking out her list.
Maybe you’ll read her section on Good News? Or, you’ll write a letter? Or something else? Each of these things would help us become one step closer to being in a justice-filled world and each of these good deeds would be a wonderful accomplishment. You got this!
In solidarity for justice, hope, and peace,
Abigail “Abi” Weissman, Psy.D.
Waves, A Psychological Corporation
Are you wanting to figure out how to be your best, most happiest self, in our world? Would you like to help meet your goals with a politically active psychologist? If so, and if you live in California, please use the orange Request Appointment button below and make an appointment with me, Dr. Abigail Weissman, or the wonderful, Dr. Camilla Williams, and get started towards being your most authentic self today.